Panasonic ET-DLE450 Projector Lens Throw – 5.4-8.6:1
Number of pixels of the width and height of an image: e. g. 1920 × 1080
- With aspect ratio 4:3
- VGA (Video Graphics Array) 640 × 480 Pixel
- SVGA (Super Video Graphics Array) 800 × 600 Pixel
- XGA (Extended Graphics Array) 1024 × 768 Pixel
- SXGA+ ( Super Extended Graphics Array Plus) 1400 × 1050 Pixel
- UXGA (Ultra Extended Graphics Array) 1600 × 1200 Pixel
- With aspect ratio 5:4
- SXGA (Super Extended Graphics Array)
- With aspect ratio 16:9
- HD 720 (HD) 1280 × 720 Pixel
- WSXGA (Wide Super Extended Graphics Adapter) 1600 × 900 Pixel
- FULL HD (2K. HD1080. 1080p) 1920 × 1080 Pixel
- QWXGA (Quadruple Wide Extended Graphics Adapter) 2048 × 1152 Pixel
- With aspect ratio 16:10
- WXGA (Wide Extended Graphics Array) 1280 × 800 Pixel
- WXGA+ (Wide Extended Graphics Array Plus) 1440 × 900 Pixel
- WSXGA (Wide Super Extended Graphics Adapter) 1680 × 1050 Pixel
- WUXGA (Wide Ultra Extended Graphics Array) 1920 × 1200 Pixel