Velvet Curtain Drapes – Various Colours and Sizes

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Our beautiful Velvet Stage Drapes are light weight and easy to setup with a freestanding system.

Drapes can be setup in straight lines or with 90 degree turns and many other configurations to suit your event

The freestanding hardware comprises of telescopic uprights, crossbeams and baseplates. Optional shotbags can be used for extra ballast on baseplates.


  • Ties to suit up to 50mm Pipe
  • Pole Pocket on bottom to suit crossbars
  • Carry Bag included
  • Fire Resistant
  • available in black as well as a range of colours
Data Sheet click here
Sizes Available 3.6m x 3.8m

3.6m x 6.0m

4.5m x 9.0m